
We know how disruptive plumbing issues can be, which is why we strive to provide fast and reliable service to our clients. Whether you work in a small office or an industrial building, our team can quickly respond to any call outs and be on your premises as quickly as possible.

Water Hygiene

For any building owner or manager, effective water treatment is an absolute necessity. Waterborne diseases should be a primary concern for any responsible organisation. Inadequate water treatment can lead to the spread of disease therefore it is crucial that you take water hygiene seriously. If you find yourself out of your depth with where to start in ensuring that high standards of water safety are met, contact MINT Contracting Services, who will be happy to help.


Whether it’s a replacement TMV or a full Boiler plantroom replacement, MINT with the help of our trusted and fully qualified commercial gas safe partners will ensure that all work is carried out on time, to plan and to the client’s requirements.  

We also repair and replace full Flue Systems within the plantroom and install external flues in stainless or powder coatings to match the client’s choice.

Thermostatic Mixing Valves (TMVs)

MINT Contracting Services offer a comprehensive range of services including the maintenance of thermostatic mixing valves (TMVs), TMV servicing, temperature monitoring and failsafe testing in all premises where the risk of scalding from hot water requires the installation and regular maintenance of thermostatic mixing valves.


MINT Contracting Services can also install or repair pipework.